Dear Visitors of, We adhere diligently to the principles enshrined in 17 U.S.C. 512 (C) (3) and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA“). We understand the gravity of intellectual property rights and always strive to ensure that no copyrighted material is unfairly shared or distributed via our platform. If you believe that any material you own has been posted on without your permission, or if references to your material are present, we are here to assist.
To file a DMCA complaint, the following information is required:
- Signature of the Copyright Owner: A physical or electronic signature of the copyright owner or a person authorized to act on their behalf. You can include your full legal name at the end of your claim to serve as your signature.
- Proof of Ownership: Solid evidence establishing your ownership or rights to the copyrighted material.
- Contact Information: Valid contact details, especially an email address, to facilitate communication with the copyright owner or the authorized representative.
- Location of Infringement: Clearly state where your copyrighted work appears on our website or is referenced, preferably by providing specific URLs.
- Description of Infringed Material: A detailed account of the work you claim has been infringed upon.
- Accuracy Statement: An affirmation that the information provided is accurate and that, under penalty of perjury, you are either the copyright owner or authorized to act on their behalf.
- Protection Status: Please note your protection status if applicable.
For swift action, please send all the above information to our designated Contact page.